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VISIONOPOLIS myopia control
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Myopia Problem
Myopia Pandemic

Worsening of
over time triggered by excessive screen time & less time spent outdoors, can lead to permanent vision problems
among Children !!!

Myopia or Nearsightedness among Urban children in India rose from 4% to 25% in 20 years, set to surpass 40% by 2040. Without corrective measures, risks abound, retinal detachment, glaucoma, and career hurdles. Act now for their sight and future!. Timely intervention is crucial for their future

Vision Therapy
Specialized Soft Contact Lenses
Atropine Eye Drops

Myopia, prevalent in youth, blurs distant vision due to eye shape. Its rise, influenced by genetics, environment, and lifestyle, threatens unchecked progression to severe conditions like retinal detachment and glaucoma. Regular eye check-ups are vital for clear vision and overall health. Controlling myopia through lifestyle changes and specialized treatments is imperative

Specialized Soft Contact Lenses for Myopia Control

Myopia-controlling soft contact lenses utilize peripheral defocus, focusing the central vision directly onto the retina for clear distance vision (gold region). The peripheral portion (pink) intentionally focuses in front of the retina, providing a signal that slows eye growth, consequently reducing prescription changes.

CooperVision Acuvue



Ortho-K lenses

Ortho-K lenses, worn overnight, gently reshape the cornea to correct myopia. Custom-designed for each patient, they provide clear vision throughout the day by flattening the cornea while sleeping. This peripheral defocus effect helps slow down myopia progression in children, similar to other myopia control options like glasses and soft contact lenses.

Ortho-K lenses  how it works



Myopia Control Glasses

Recently, lens companies introduced innovative designs to better control childhood myopia, most popular brands are Zeiss MyoCare, MiSight, Essilor Stellest, and Hoya MiyoSmart, all with evidence showing myopia progression reduction. At VISIONOPOLIS we use advanced diagnostics and clinical expertise to help select the best lens for your child's needs.


Atropine Therapy for Myopia

Low dose atropine has been used in eye care for over 100 years to help eye doctors view the inside of the eye and treat certain eye conditions. To control myopia, researchers have discovered that low concentration atropine (1/20th the normal concentration) can slow down myopia progression by about 40 – 60%. Low concentration atropine needs to be compounded by a pharmacist. The drops are taken once per day at night before bed.

VISIONOPOLIS adopts proactive measures encompassing education, lifestyle changes, and specialized services utilizing the latest advancements in optical aids and eye drops. Our expert team of optometrists and ophthalmologists provide personalized myopia control solutions tailored to the individual needs of your child. 

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Tel. +9147048400 Dover Lane Centre | 5 Ramani Chatterjee St, Kolkata 7000 29

Tel. +9147048403 DumDum Centre | Club Town Estate, Kolkata 700074

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